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True North 406 Ministries Annual Report

True North 406 Power of Story: In every aspect of our work our mission is to engage the needs of those struggling with relational and sexual brokenness to bring hope and healing to individuals, marriages, families, and church communities. The couples and individuals we counseled have brought witness to this truth; telling personal stories of grief, loss, sorrow and anger are necessary for healing and change. Many we have had the privilege to work with have experienced new depths of freedom as they shared and detailed their most significant stories from their family of origin. To this end we have been building relationship and collaboration with local churches to support the fostering of safe places and healing culture within the church. We believe the church is the most trustworthy place for personal and relational restoration and wholeness. In addition, this year has included extensive training for my role as Executive Director. Our Board of Directors also participated in board development training. Together we are implementing governance, culture, strategy and sustainability to strengthen True North 406 Ministries for years to come.  3-year strategic goals #1: Create and invest in a total of 9 collaborative partnerships  within the Flathead Valley.  #2: Prepare for broader expansion and impact by exploring a framework for growth beyond the Flathead Valley. #3: Develop an adequate plan for sustainability and financial  health.  #4: Grow our existing donor base from 34 to 100 over the next  three years.  #5: Build a scholarship fund to fulfill the mission to counsel individuals and couples.  Financials: Revenue sources pie chart: 12% programs, 68% individuals, 20% grants. Use of funds pie chart: 74% operations, 18% fundraising, 8% program.  Revenue growth bar graph: 2021 Revenue was roughly $38,000, 2022 revenue was roughly $51,000.  Core Values: Respect: All men and women are created in the image of God. We honor the dignity of our humanity and offer this to those we are privileged to serve. Compassion: We endeavor to grow and mature in expressing kindness toward ourselves while helping those we accompany on the journey of healing to do the same. Courage: We come to known and engage our personal stories with truth and stewardship to reclaim the ground Satan has taken from the lives of the brokenhearted. Unity: We commit to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace to strengthen the body of Christ. Flourish: We believe we are created as good gifts and pursue ongoing personal healing and wholeness to that end. Honor: We commit to personal and relational integrity while upholding the confidentiality of our clients. Faith: We believe Scripture teaches that apart from God, we can do nothing; we prioritize prayer, obedience, faith, hope, love, and risk. Generational Community: We develop compassionate, faithful, courageous, and hope-filled leaders who endeavor to make the Church a safe place to serve future generations.


To our Friends and Ministry Partners,

This is an opportunity for us to share how your prayers and financial partnership with TN 406 Ministries has made a difference in 2022!

TN 406 Power of Story:

The image at the top of this page features the Annual Summary and has our new tag line in the title, ”Find your True North and Flourish.” This is our unique identifier as an organization and speaks to why we exist; to foster safe places of healing within the Church. Too often Christians who struggle with relational and sexual brokenness leave the Church believing they are the only ones who have this kind of pain and brokenness or they stay and struggle silently or they stay and deny their struggle and in so doing bring harm and dysfunction to church communities. The truth is our brokenness and heart wounds often prepare us for what we are to offer, our greatest loss becomes our good gift.

Three-Year Strategic Plan:

This is the compass for where we want to be in three years. Currently I am focusing on local churches to expand and deepen our relationships with a goal to develop nine, strong, collaborative partnerships. This will provide a variety of examples and working models for broader expansion and growth beyond the Flathead Valley. Additionally, our board of directors has been tasked with a project to develop a thoughtful plan for the sustainability and financial health of TN 406 Ministries and the Executive Director role. A crucial part of this plan will be my continued efforts to grow our existing donor base from 34 partners to 100 partners over the next three years, as well as fund scholarships to counsel with individuals and couples who need financial assistance. I am starting with those of you who already believe in and support the mission. Would you consider increasing your monthly/annual contributions to sow into where we are going? I sincerely appreciate your prayerful consideration.


Top: TN406 Board Retreat, A time for strategy and unification. Left: Teaching at the Living Waters and Theology of the Body Training on "Offering the Gift." Right: Teaching at Youth With A Mission about Christian Formation and engaging sexual brokenness.



Contributions and revenue grew 30% from 2021 along with an increase in financial partners from 19 to 34.

Core Values:

These represent our non-negotiables and describe who God has called us to be as we engage the broken hearted. (bottom right corner on the Annual report)

Until Next Time...

Thank you for taking time to read this it means so much! Thank you that you give sacrificially to support relational and sexual restoration and wholeness within the Church! It is a sacred and messy privilege, and one David and I feel uniquely called.

Gratefully Yours,



Isaiah 61


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