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True North 406 Ministries (TN406) SUMMER NEWS

Dear Friends and Donors,

We celebrated our two-year anniversary in May and continue to appreciate all the stretching and strengthening of our journey towards becoming a sustainable ministry for redeeming heartache within the Church. It’s amazing to pause and record all that has come to fruition as I have focused my time and energy on our 3-year strategic goals. I hope you too will savor and celebrate all the ways God is blessing your partnership with TN 406 through financial support and prayers!



For the last two years we have been invited to apply for a grant from the Gianforte Family Foundation. I did not expect TN 406 would be eligible this year, however, when I shared about our need for a scholarship fund to continue our mission to counsel couples and individuals who otherwise cannot afford counseling, they funded another grant! This is already blessing many men and women with consistent, story informed, pastoral counseling.


Collaborative Partners:

In June we had our first equipping event! Two of our collaborative partners joined us. The event was a virtual conference presented by Restored Hope Network who ministers more specifically to homosexual individuals desiring transformation. This training was very well received and extremely informative. Click the button to let us know if you would like to receive an invitation to our next equipping event.

Another partner, Faith Covenant Church, hosts an impactful ministry called Refuge Ministries,

a domestic abuse treatment center in Kalispell, for victims and perpetrators. It is amazing that our small town offers this kind of support! David and I were invited to share about Living Waters (LW) with their participants and encourage them to continue their healing journey by joining our next session of LW. We had a tremendous response and look forward to supporting these women in their continued healing.

Youth With a Mission in Lakeside is another partner that we have been supporting by teaching their new staff about the topic of Christian Formation and sexual brokenness. It has been wonderful to continue to work with some of the new staff members after our teaching through pastoral counseling, small groups, and Living Waters.

Speaking of which, we will host another Living Waters session at Hope Church this Fall, marking our 8th year! We have several former LW participants that joined our leadership team. It is such a gift they want to give back in this way as it is a demanding, 22-week commitment! We have met several times this summer to train and build relationship as a team. We look forward to welcoming 32 participants (16 men and 16 women) and invite you to pass the word around about Living Waters and consider embarking on this journey for greater healing, restoration, and transformation!

A seasoned Living Waters alumni recently moved to Missoula and will be starting a Living Waters soon. This is an amazing answer to prayer as we have had tremendous spiritual warfare with prior attempts to start a LW in Missoula. We have the privilege to help coach him as he recruits and then facilitates a pilot program.


Pastoral Counseling:

For a year now, we have maintained a steady clientele of 10 men and women we counsel weekly. Standing strong with them to explore the back story of where they find themselves presently and how this impacts how they relate and helps them discover the path to significant healing and freedom.


Training and Equipping Leaders:

David and I recently completed a refresher course with the Unwanted program taught by Jay Stringer. One of our takeaways from this course is the profound reality that while God has the power to renew us completely, He chooses to use people, you and me. He prefers to bring renewal in His people, through His people!

In September we have been invited to join our good friend from Youth with A Mission (YWAM), Pat Caven, to train and equip a large group of YWAM staff. These leaders are eager to learn how to foster a healing culture for the ever-growing reality of sexual confusion and brokenness among the students who attend their Discipleship Training Schools. This has been in the works for the last two years and is the beginning of what we hope will be ongoing training and equipping for all the YWAM bases.



I published my first blog about a healing culture (click to read!) this summer and will continue to write to the Church (more specifically lead pastors) on this topic for the next few publications.

Thank you for giving TN 406 the opportunity to become all it is today and all it will become within the next three years and beyond. We are deeply grateful to all of you for your prayers and sacrificial gifts.

If you do not currently support TN 406 will you prayerfully consider a monthly or annual gift? We have a goal to partner with 15 new donors this year and are halfway there. The donate button will take you to our automated giving platform.

With Sincere Gratitude,

Elizabeth Halliburton


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