Lance Dannic
Lead Pastor at Hope Church, Kalispell, MT
"As the church, we will continue to suffer to see people's lives truly transformed until we are willing to courageously address some of the issues of sexual brokenness, identity and abuse. True North 406 brings the hope and healing of Jesus to restore what has been lost."

Marty & Tim Korpela
Worship Leaders
"Living Waters created an environment of safety and community that encouraged us to step into our story, allowing God to heal wounds from our past and discover our true identity in Christ."

Andy Weber
Client, TrueNorth406 Ministries
For decades, Sexual brokenness was something I hid from all those closest to me. In a season where the Holy Spirit was challenging me to bring light into that area, I finally gave in and in the midst of going through the healing process was True North 406's Sexual Healing program. I learned the value of being transparent and open about my struggle in this area, especially with my spouse. Having men come alongside me as we all shared our stories, took steps toward identifying what happened in our past, where the enemy has and will continue to target us, learning better boundaries, and understanding the difference between the enemy tempting us vs. giving in to the temptation, taking ownership and responsibility of our choices and actions, and how God will use the restoration in this area as a tool to connect with other men waging the same war were just a few of the many takeaways. I'd never had lasting victory in this area before and I would encourage anybody on the fence to take advantage of this excellent opportunity--jump in, lay it all out there, and be willing to dig deep to understand how God made us to love.

Andrew & Annette Comiskey
Living Waters Founders
Executive Directors, Desert Stream Ministries, Kansas City, MO
David and Elizabeth rank among the most trustworthy couples we know. They are a smart, seasoned
pair desperate for Jesus, steeped in Mercy, and generous to others in gratitude for His unfailing love.
When they are on our ministry teams, we breathe easier and simply enjoy their presence. They make Living Waters better. They make their local church better. Now through True North 406 Ministries, they make the Northwest better by ensuring a safe, dynamic space for hurting Christians to get to the heart of the matter. That heart is nothing less than our real interior damage that Jesus longs to restore through the mediation of wise and compassionate members like the Halliburtons.

Mark Blair
Lead Pastor of Sozo Church in Spokane, WA
"Having known David & Elizabeth for well over a decade, serving on staff together & walking through many difficult & triumphant seasons, I can say without hesitation that they are some of the finest people I know. Their character & integrity in all seasons is a remarkable example of Christ to everyone around them. As they minister, their hearts are always toward people, moved by compassion & a genuine desire to see people know & experience the fullness of Jesus. I can not recommend them more completely, as capable ministers & as amazing people."

​Craig Dyson
Pastor at CONVO Church
Reno, NV
"David and Elizabeth Halliburton are proven leaders in this field of ministry. They are not only gifted in this focus of ministry, but they personally have walked through deep brokenness, found healing and restoration."

Chuck & Kelly
True North 406
"We have greatly benefitted from meeting with David and Elizabeth over the course of this year. They have brought hope to our weary hearts and have given us tools and support as we learn a better way in our marriage. They have made the concept of Intimacy seem attainable and worth risking to have. They are easy to talk to, kindhearted and bold truth tellers. They are able to relate to our struggles and provide a safe place for us to be honest and vulnerable without feeling shame. They have been able to speak the love of God into our marriage."