Dear Ministry Partners,
Thank you for your generous support, prayer and encouragement. There is so much to share with regard to Truenorth 406 Ministries. We became an official 501c3 in May, which providentially coincided with Elizabeth's resignation from FFF Enterprises. We also formed our Board of Directors, a group of eight qualified and wise individuals. Our annual meeting is scheduled for the month of November. This established David, as the President of the board and Elizabeth as the Executive Director. Since then I have had the honor and pleasure of developing ministry goals and content for TN406, some of which has now been updated and published for you to view at www.truenorth406.org. In May, I began offering pastoral counseling and a Women's Story Group. I now work with a couple (I counsel with the wife and David with the husband) and several women utilizing the certificate training in Narrative Focused Trauma Care. David completed the course called "Unwanted" and is now a certified guide. This spring David will lead a small group of men through the material. In August we helped teach at a conference called "Flourishing Together" in Missoula, Montana. It was a declaration with foundational teaching on God's creative design of man and woman. God is moving in our state to unite us in this truth. Additionally, David and I meet with churches to introduce Truenorth 406 offerings and fund raise. We are truly delighted in these small beginnings and are filling a legitimate need!
Throughout the summer we gathered our core Living Waters staff for trainings and interviewed participants for our fifth session of Living Waters where we have 26 participants and 19 staff. Living Waters is a personal discipleship program which means every session our staff has the potential to multiply and it has. Next year, we have potential to grow 2 more small groups for women and 1 more for men which would grow next years session to 44 participants.